terça-feira, 10 de março de 2009

People and their bad manners...

You know when you run into someone you know and that person doesnt even pay attention to you? Sometimes it is someone you had longed to see and really missed or maybe just someone you know from a certain place. You wave at them or try to call their attention to at least have them say hi, but then they look at you and walk by or turn their faces. I've got this kind of behavior so many times that I dont care to count. That's when you see how false people are and how ridiculous they can be...
But one might say people do that because they dont see you sometimes or they have bad days sometimes. Well, i do agree with that... but the most terrible thing is when it is clear that someone pretends they didnt see you. You can get it when the person is about to walk by you and then you say "John, how are you?". And then all of a sudden, the person puts up a 'friendly' smile and and looks at you really quickly and not in the natural way when you see someone, those fractions of seconds that you take to recognize the person's face and starts to talk to you. That kills me because then it becomes obivous that the person DID see you but resolved not to talk to you. I think that from the moment you walk out your house, your social life starts and it doesnt matter if you are having a bad day... at least be polite and say hello to people you know when you run into them. Dont be a jerk...

3 comentários:

Marcella =) disse...

John, adorei o seu blog! =] vou gostar mais ainda quando eu traduzir1 hsuahsuahsuahsuah :) besoslindosudoeste! ;*

Thiago disse...

Thus spoke Johnny Panda.

Cara, bacana seu blog. Passarei mais vezes :D


André Dutra disse...

Great post, my friend!

Continue a escrever, é muito legal cara! E não deixe a peteca cair!

And about your post: welcome to Brasília! It's such a shame to live in city that peoples act like this all the time!

Hugs, bro!